4G Formula: Influencer and PR-girl Elina Krupskaya
Fashion and technology today are identical words. "Modern technology is really the only thing with which you can create something new," says Hussein Chalayan. And who, if not a blogger, knows everything about these two spheres, creating that new thing that "fashion alchemist" Chalayan talks about. Not all modern bloggers managed to become famous thanks to their style, but those who managed to do it have now become real style icons. Just think of Chiara Ferragni, Christina Bazan, Aimee Song and other bloggers who turned the idea of blogging in general upside down. The heroine of our interview - Influencer, Instagram-blogger and PR woman Elina Krupskaya is one of the top 100 bloggers in Ukraine. FWD decided to talk to the girl about what role the Internet plays in her life today, about advertising in social networks, audience and development of her Instagram.

The importance of the Internet today is hard to overestimate. Who but you, PR, model, blogger, know about it. Tell me, what role do social media and the internet play in your life?

In my work, communication with people, new acquaintances, opportunities are very important. The Internet undoubtedly plays an important role in my life. What is worth it is the open access to knowledge: lectures by the best professors, books, anything - for free. Now everything depends on your motivation and desire to become better.

The Internet, and social media in particular, gives you the opportunity to promote your product with the help of bloggers and targeted advertising and, most importantly, to hit your target audience with precision. Isn't that great?

Of course, social media, if used correctly, gives you cool introductions. That's why I especially love Facebook: you can ask a question on any topic, write with a project proposal or a request to anyone, and there's a good chance you'll get a response.

You actively maintain an Instagram-blog with 170 thousand subscribers, Telegram, and you are also a PR person at GresTodorchuk PR agency. What mobile applications help you to use time effectively in your work?

I've been using Calendars calendar and Spark email from my friends at Readdle for a few years now. Convenient. I use Facebook messenger to communicate with journalists, editors and colleagues. Linkedin - for communication with foreign journalists.

At what point did you decide to make money on Instagram and was it your initial goal?

Making money was not the initial goal. I started thinking about it when the first 10,000-15,000 followers appeared.

Today Instagram is a source of income for me, but far from being my main source of income. That's probably why I have the opportunity to be selective about the advertising offers that come in. I test each advertised product on myself and only then can I recommend it to my followers.

Tell me, how much time do you spend on processing one photo in general and how does it happen?

No more than 3 minutes. I process all photos with one filter in VSCO + color correction takes a couple of minutes.

Do you think about all the photos for Instagram for a long time - how they will look compositionally - or is it more of a random thing for you?

To be honest, I've always done it intuitively. The main thing is good light, a clean camera and a pretty background.

How important is it to communicate with your audience on social media? How important is it to convey a certain message to your followers?

It's only as important as the message you want to convey. (Smiles.)

Of course, if you want to increase the number of followers, profile activity is very important. Talk to your audience, share your thoughts, be sincere. That's what hooks you. Ask questions to get feedback from subscribers and get your photo into the "Popular".

Have there been cases when Instagram helped you solve some problem?

I try not to put negativity on social media. So the answer would rather not be about problems, but about tasks that Instagram helps to solve. Most often I use it for charitable purposes and I am very happy that I get a positive response from my followers, which is not in words but in deeds.

Tell us about a funny case of brand integration.

You know, I cooperate only with adequate advertisers, so there have been no strange cases. But it happens when I am approached for advertising, for example, by psychics. Then I have a question in my head: "If he is a psychic, why can't he predict in advance that I will refuse to advertise to him?" (Smiles.) 
In my principles not to advertise gambling and magic services, because I do not believe. But I like to laugh at it.

How many Direct messages do you get every day? And do you have enough time to respond?

About 30 a day. I look at Direct, some advertisers write there, but I would advise writing to the post office. By email you can talk more about the brand, send a presentation if you need to, and not lose correspondence like you do in Direct.

How does your blogging career help you with your PR work?

The reach of one of my Instagram posts averages 80,000-100,000 contacts. For example, an article on a top online resource - 15,000 at best.

Of course, I use it for my own good! (Smiling.) People should know more about the good deeds we do.

If you were doing a fashion startup, what would it be?

Useful, possibly educational.

Are you a fan of new technologies or a conservative? Are you willing to test new products that haven't hit the market yet?

I am definitely not a conservative. I am excited about technology: artificial intelligence, augmented reality, 3D printing. It's very interesting. Inspired by this topic, I created my Telegram channel, where I collect interesting links to interviews, articles and studies, which are most often about innovation and technology in the world.

Have you had a chance to try out the new innovation - the new generation 4G internet?

I don't feel the urgent need to switch to 4G yet, but the interest takes its course. So soon I will be able to share my impressions.

Video is the new black J. How often do you stream? With 4G it will be much more convenient.

Yes, indeed, interest in video is growing. People consume information faster and easier that way, and vloggers are gaining crazy popularity. A couple years ago did broadcasts quite often, now I almost don't do it.

Recommend 2-3 accounts that inspire you.

Really love these two profiles for their style: @tamunatsiklauri, @dashakos.

What was the last thing you searched for on Google?
Buying tickets for a play. (Smiles.)

Call or write?
To write.

Internet or face-to-face communication?
Face-to-face communication.

Google or Safari?

Instagram or Snapchat?

Stories or profile publishing?
Profile publishing.

Favorite application? 

Favorite filter?
LV3 in VSCO.

Notebook: electronic or paper?

Shopping: online or offline?
Online - it's faster.

July 09, 2024