Snapchat filters cause young people to get plastic surgery
Over the past few years, Snapchat has introduced so many different filters that users don't even think about the impact that seemingly harmless use of filters has on their psyche.
The journal JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery conducted a study and found that Snapchat filters that young people like to use have a detrimental effect on the psyche.

These filters are supposedly designed to correct the appearance: they can be used to change the shape of the nose, the cut of the eyes, enlarge the lips or make the cheekbones more prominent. People have always strived and will always strive for perfection, and thanks to the application it becomes more real. Unfortunately, some become so immersed in this "perfection" that it comes down to plastic surgery. In this regard, aesthetic beauty doctor Tijion Esho has even introduced the concept of "Snapchat dysmorphia".

Over the past few years, Snapchat has introduced so many different filters that users don't even realize how much of an impact the seemingly harmless use of filters has on their psyche.
The journal JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery conducted a study and found that Snapchat filters that young people like to use have a detrimental effect on the psyche.

These filters are supposedly designed to correct the appearance: they can be used to change the shape of the nose, the cut of the eyes, enlarge the lips or make the cheekbones more prominent. People have always strived and will always strive for perfection, and thanks to the application it becomes more real. Unfortunately, some become so immersed in this "perfection" that it comes down to plastic surgery. In this regard, aesthetic beauty doctor Tijion Esho even introduced the concept of "Snapchat dysmorphia".

More than once, teens and young adults have come to him asking him to make them look like the picture. The desire to "edit" themselves with filters leads to an unfortunate result: they develop the disease of dysmorphia - rejection of themselves, their body and appearance in general.

"There's nothing wrong with using filters. What is bad is when people try to make themselves look like the ideal picture they have created with the help of surgery", - this opinion was expressed by Tijion Esho.

Everyone wants to be beautiful, and everyone achieves the desired result in their own way, but, as they say, everything must be in moderation, and smartphone apps should not become a tool for destroying your body and psyche.

September 24, 2024